Lenar is heavily involved in election integrity and all things Republican at the state level. She brings vim and vigor to each of her endeavors and has been highly successful […]

Lenar is heavily involved in election integrity and all things Republican at the state level. She brings vim and vigor to each of her endeavors and has been highly successful […]
Professional Republican Women of Metro New Orleans Business Meeting Agenda – July 23, 2022 Prayer Pledge Call to order Honored guests: Wanda Aizpurua, President, Louisiana Federation of Republican Women Roby […]
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Please join us for a club business meeting to discuss bylaw changes to add fundraising and membership to Second Vice-Presidents. We will also discuss how to be more successful at […]
Join fellow citizens to organize poll watching and poll commissioner efforts. It is time to take up the mantle of civic engagement for good government. There is a spot for […]
Guest speaker – Stephen Moore, campaign manager for Senator John Kennedy. Join fellow citizens to digitally review voter registration rolls and organize poll watching and poll commissioner efforts. It is […]
Join fellow citizens to digitally review voter registration rolls and organize poll watching and poll commissioner efforts. It is time to take up the mantle of civic engagement for good […]
Join fellow citizens to digitally review voter registration rolls and organize poll watching and poll commissioner efforts. It is time to take up the mantle of civic engagement for good […]
I heard Eric Skrmetta speak and was blown away by his savvy understanding of energy policy as well as his wins against climate craziness. Plus, he is so fun to […]
Please join us as we welcome Louisiana State Senator Sharon Hewitt as our speaker this evening. Sharon Hewitt has a heart for Louisiana as evidenced by her many incredible efforts […]